Ramie knit

450,00 Kč
SKU: ramj01

Ramie is an ancient very environment-friendly material used for clothing. Egyptian mummies have been found wearing it and now you can too :)

Composition: 100% ramie
Width: 135cm
Weight: 165 g/m2

Ramie is a very sturdy plant, it looks like a nettle and grows in very unfriendly environments in warm areas. Thus is considered very environment-friendly. The fabric is similar to linen in performance - the fiber also comes from the stem of the plant and can be quite hard. But this knit is very soft and nice to touch. The fabric is askew from production, but does not move further. On darker versions the slanting lines are somewhat visible so be aware of that for your project.

The fabric is suited for warm weather, takes up moisture very well and is naturally antiseptic.

Price: 450,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%


Světlý ramie

Dobrý den, ten světlý amie je něčím barvený? či je ta světlá barva přirozená? Děkuji za info. Markéta

Re: svetle ramie

Dobry den,

ramie je pokud vim prirozene takova lnena barva - sedohneda. Nase svetle ramie je belene.


Dobry den, je to uplet,

Dobry den,

je to uplet, takze pruzi. A nebo ne? :] Dekuji!


Re: ramie uplet

Dobry den,

je to uplet, pruzi, ne moc, ale pruzi :)



je vhodne pro deti?

Re: ramie

Dobrý den,

prozatím mám pouze GOTS certifikát na barvení, ne na kompletní látku, proto jsem raději nepsala, že je pro děti, ale dost jistě ano, GOTS se barví jen opravdu to co za to stojí...

Dám vědět až si budu jistá.
