Merino-silk jersey black

970,00 Kč
SKU: wsilk01

Amazing and rare combination of materials maily suited for baselayer. Hopefully it appeals to you as much as to us :)

Composition: 67% merino wool, 28% natural silk and 5% elastane
Weight: 235g/m2
Width: 137cm
Color: black

This jersey is soft and stretchy, at first sight agreat fit for baselayer, leggings. I have been testing it wearing a sports dress and leggings, so far excellent peformance for a weather between autumn and winter.

Wool with silk is a warm material with properties of wool but the silk provides stability and durability.

To touch the fabric is nice, but do not expect the softness of silk, it is hard to tell it from wool, the silk only makes the fabric more stable.

Made in the Czech Republic.

Price: 970,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%


Merino hedvábí jednolíc černý

Dobrý den,
budete jej mít v brzké době skladem?
Děkuji za informaci, Olga Stehlíková

Kousavost/ jemnost

Dobrý den, jak je to u tohoto materiálu s kousavostí v porovnání s extra fine? Mám z Vašeho pružného barevného merina legíny, ty jsou skvělé, ale tílko bych z něj nesnesla. Chtěla bych spodní tílko pro sebe i děti, nejsem si jistá materiálem. Díky Šárka

Re: kousavost merina

Dobry den,

na obleceni na telo vemte urcite extrafine, jemnejsi vlnu nemame a opravdu to nekouse. Jeste je hodne dobre merino pruzne barevne, ale to je dost silne, takze ho clovek nevyuzije tolik jako ty tensi trika, to se da nosit uplne porad, je malicke, takze misto kapesniku do batohu... No proste extrafine :)
