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Ballpoint needles AKRA (box of 5 pcs)

55,00 Kč
SKU: gal08

Akra are top quality well-proven needles for household sewing machines (Czech and German production). They have a flat part in the upper end, which goes into the machine. We add these mainly because of the special needles you can not find in a common haberdashery, like these ballpoint ones.

The ballpoint needles are especially designed for sewing of knits. This needle prevents or at least lowers the number of cases when material is damaged in sewing. The rounded point helps the needle to "spread" the material in the place of the stick instead of cutting through. It is well suited for knitwear and dense wovens.

We offer in strengths of 70 and 90. The 90 is used for stronger and heavier materials, or if your needles break all the time. It makes a bigger hole, but is firmer. Do not use for delicate fabrics, it will not work.

We sell in sets of 5pcs, the price is for the whole set, that is the 5pcs.

Somebody always asks about the difference between the ballpoint needle and the stretch needle. Both the needles are suited for knitted fabrics, both have a rounded point, but the ballpoint needle is rounder. Thus it is better suited for grosser knitwear (most of our fabrics with the exception of bamboo jersey and similar) and the elastane knits, which will more probably not tear in the stitching if the ballpoint needle is used.

Price: 55,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%


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