
Při šití plenek se hodí dva typy speciálních gumiček - lastin a lemovací gumičky. Oboje se neshání úplně snadno, tak nabízíme.

Gumička dírková kalhotová

15,00 Kč

Gumička do kalhot s dírkami na knoflíky, aby se dala upravovat šíře pasu.

barva: bílá šíře: 1.2cm
barva: černá šíře: 2cm

Vyrobeno v ČR.

15,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Fold-over elastic soft 2cm (by 1/2 meters)

10,00 Kč

For those who want something softer than our 2cm FOE we offer this softer fold-over elastic. It does not last as long, but it still good to use with cloth diapers or clothing. But note that the shiny side pills quite a lot, so use carefully or better use the other side up.

Width 2 cm with pre-woven fold in the middle

We offer in many color variants and can make even custom colors (wholesale)

Use: The elastic has pre-woven fold in the middle where it easily folds on the material, which you want trimmed.

10,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Fold Over Elastic 2cm (by 1/2 meters)

14,00 Kč

Our new no-pilling firm FOE for use on cloth diapers or any clothing. Width 2cm with the fold prepared in the half.

We offer many color tones, tested on diapers and softshell, it does not pill :)

Use: The elastic has pre-woven fold in the middle where it easily folds around the material you intend to hem.

14,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Elastic round black

6,00 Kč

Round elastic for production of outerwear - jackets, trousers, etc. It is used to tighten the clothing with use of buckle .

Width: 3mm
Color: back

Price per 1 meter

Made in the Czech Republic

6,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%


6,00 Kč

Na softshellových i jiných bundách a kalhotech je často užitečné použít kulatou gumičku a brzdičky. Tyhle brzdičky máme ozkoušené že vydrží sloužit i na frekventovaném dětském oblečení.

Brzdičky jsou z plastu

dvoudírková bez poutka černá 24x20x8mm
dvoudírková s poutkem černá 24x20x8mm
dvoudírková bez poutka šedá menší
jednodírková podlouhlá do švu černá
jednodírková bílá

Průměr otvoru 4,4mm, vhodné pro 3mm gumičky, šedá spíše na 2mm gumičky.

Cena je za 1ks

6,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Podlepovací páska na švy nepromokavá

6,00 Kč

Pokud šijete ze softshellu, nebo nepromokavého šusťáku, tak už jste určitě řešili švy na ramenech, nebo na kapuce aby co nejméně protékaly. Dá se to vykoumat posouváním švu jinam, nebo můžete použít podlepovací nepromokavou pásku, která šev přelepí a zavře.

Páska je 20mm široká z polyuretanu, nepromokavá.

Nově máme lepší kvalitu pásky (slabší, po nažehlení je šev měkčí)

Je potřeba ji přižehlit přes pečící papír na vlnu až bavlnu cca 5 až 10 sekund, aby přilnula ale nespálila se.

Po nažehlení neperte 48 hodin.

6,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Fold-over elastic Czech softest (by 1/2 metres)

9,00 Kč

High quality soft FOE best for underwear or light clothing.

Width 1.6cm

Colors: creamy and black

With pre-woven fold in the centre. The elastic is really thin and soft, very nice for underwear.

Use: The elastic has a woven fold in the centre, where it easily folds around the material you are hemming.

9,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Fold-over elastic Czech 2,6cm (by 1/2 metres)

16,00 Kč

High-quality softer fold-over elastic for use in cloth diapers or any clothing.

Width 2.7cm

Pre-woven fold in the centre. Something between color fold-over 2cm (firm) and the soft fold over 2cm elastics, in our opinion the ideal version :)

Newly we offer in many beautiful colors and still waiting for some to arrive!

Use: The elastic has a woven fold in the centre, where it easily folds around the material you want to hem.

16,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%

Fold-over elastic 2.5cm (by 1/2 metres)

23,00 Kč

High-quality elastic for use on cloth diapers or clothing.

Width 2.5cm, brown in 5cm wide

We offer several colors and designs, for more colors see Czech FOE , which is very similar.

The 5cm brown elastic is very well suited for hemming the waist. The FOE has a pre-woven fold in the centre where it folds easily arount the material you are hemming.

23,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%


10,00 Kč

Transparent 100% polyurethane elastic suited for use in diapers, sports clothing, underwear, bed linen, etc.

Width / thickness:
0.4cm / 0.14mm
0.95cm / 0.17mm
1.27cm / 0.2mm

Eko-tex certified.
We sell by full meters.
Easily sewn on, durable, lasts for many washes, does not mind salt water, chlorine, sweat, etc. Befor using stretch the elastic three times to the maximum, it improves its elastic memory.

10,00 Kč
VAT rate: 
Standard -- 21%
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